WordSearch is a classic word game of finding hidden words diagonally, horizontally or vertically.
WordSearch Telugu - Adaptation of classic game for Telugu language.
How to play?
List of hidden words are displayed at the bottom. Category is displayed in the brackets. Find one word at a time. Just move your finger across the board to select the word. Be sure to not cross into neighboring letters. Once found the word is crossed out indicating that the word has been solved. After all the available words are found, a green arrow indicates a successful finish. Click on "+" to get a new set of challenge.
You can choose a wide variety of word categories. It makes the game fun and interesting.
It's free to download. Try today!!
Tag: Word Search Telugu Game Fun App
WordSearch adalah permainan kata klasik untuk menemukan kata-kata tersembunyi secara diagonal, horizontal atau vertikal.
WordSearch Telugu - Adaptasi dari game klasik untuk bahasa Telugu.
Cara bermain?
Daftar kata-kata tersembunyi ditampilkan di bagian bawah. Kategori ditampilkan dalam tanda kurung. Temukan satu kata dalam satu waktu. Gerakkan jari Anda di papan untuk memilih kata. Pastikan untuk tidak menyeberang ke surat tetangga. Setelah menemukan kata tersebut dicoret menunjukkan bahwa kata tersebut telah dipecahkan. Setelah semua kata yang tersedia ditemukan, panah hijau menunjukkan hasil akhir yang sukses. Klik "+" untuk mendapatkan tantangan baru.
Anda dapat memilih berbagai kategori kata. Itu membuat game itu menyenangkan dan menarik.
Ini gratis untuk diunduh. Coba hari ini !!
Tag: Word Search Telugu Game Fun App
WordSearch is a classic word game of finding hidden words diagonally, horizontally or vertically.
WordSearch Telugu - Adaptation of classic game for Telugu language.
How to play?
List of hidden words are displayed at the bottom. Category is displayed in the brackets. Find one word at a time. Just move your finger across the board to select the word. Be sure to not cross into neighboring letters. Once found the word is crossed out indicating that the word has been solved. After all the available words are found, a green arrow indicates a successful finish. Click on "+" to get a new set of challenge.
You can choose a wide variety of word categories. It makes the game fun and interesting.
It's free to download. Try today!!
Tag: Word Search Telugu Game Fun App